
Annual Fundraising Banquet

bbq dinner + silent auction + awesome outdoors speaker + attendees + sponsors
ultimately supporting local charities and causes
SGB booth

Community Kindness

meeting physical/financial needs for people struggling due to medical or other crisis
2022 SGB Homestead gifts (4)

Family Christmas

spreading christmas joy to families in need by purchasing gifts for children and their parents
Wyatt Mixson

Wyatt Mixson Memorial Outdoor Adventures

providing hunting/fishing adventures to children, veterans, kids with terminal illnesses, and individuals with special needs.

**named in memory of a special kid hunter

mission statement

The heart and mission of Sportsmen Givin’ Back is to help the less fortunate in our local community.

who we are

Sportsmen Givin’ Back is a 501(c)3 organization based in Pace, Florida. Together with other avid outdoorsmen, we came up with the idea to start a non-profit organization 13+ years ago that serves as a bridge between local charities and potential supporters, while also providing outdoor adventures to children, veterans, and more.

What we do would not be possible without the love and generosity of our individual and business sponsors, supporters, volunteers, and board, also known as our SGB Community.

When we started our organization 13+ years ago, we had no idea the trajectory or impact our SGB Community would be able to accomplish. In addition to the original service ideas, we have grown and expanded our main areas.

four pillars

SGB Family Christmas
SGB Community Kindness
SGB Annual Fundraising Banquet
Wyatt Mixson Memorial Outdoor Adventures

SGB founded 

by avid outdoorsmen

who wanted to provide children, individuals with special needs, critically ill children, and wounded warriors with outdoor adventures.